Without volunteers, our community would grind to a halt.
You might think that’s a joke, but it’s true. Sure, on the one side we have our tax-funded civic, provincial, and federal agencies, and on the other side for-profit businesses.
But in between, there’s a vast realm of services, events, and charities that simply could not operate without dedicated volunteers.
And the boundaries are porous. Even government-funded agencies require non-profit help.
What would Langley Memorial Hospital be without the hard-working volunteers of the hospital auxiliary and the hospital foundation?
Where would the Langley Animal Protection Society be without its volunteer dog walkers and kitten fostering families?
Would Langley Hospice Society have a new centre without dedicated volunteer leaders and fundraisers?
How many sports fields do we owe to Rotary and other service clubs, and how would we ever get kids playing without volunteer coaches?
National Volunteer Week is April 16 to 22 this year, and it’s as good a time as any to celebrate our volunteers here in Langley.
You probably know a volunteer, or are one yourself.
Volunteerism is widespread in Langley, particularly among seniors, but we’ve got volunteers who haven’t graduated elementary school, high school and college-aged kids, young adults, and busy parents all giving their time and energy for worthy causes.
If you’ve ever wanted to volunteer, there are plenty of opportunities – check with Langley Volunteers to start if you’re new to the community.
And if you know a volunteer, take this opportunity to thank them.
Without our army of volunteers, this community wouldn’t be half the place to live it is now.
– M.C.