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LETTER: Generosity so meaningful for single mother, sons

A special trip to Langley Keg ends in tears thanks to an anonymous couple’s kindness

Dear Editor,

This gratitude post is late.

A recent Friday night was a special night for myself and my two boys, aged nine and 11.

As a rare treat, I took them to The Keg in Walnut Grove and my god, were they excited!

They’ve only been once before, so knew it was special.

The service was excellent, food was delicious, we laughed, shared stories, and just had the perfect mom-n-sons night.

My boys tried steak and lobster for the first time (this was a big deal!) and I enjoyed two glasses of a nice wine.

As a single mom, I knew the bill would be outside of my budget, but this was a one-off special occasion and I wanted it to be memorable.

When it came time to pay the bill, the server politely said – with a big smile on his face – “it’s been taken care of.”

I was stunned and completely taken by surprise – and asked by who?

He said the couple (a man and wife) want to remain anonymous. I asked if I could pay the tip and he said, “no, it’s all taken care of.”

I looked around and didn’t recognize anyone in the restaurant.

As we left, my eyes watered up (and I am not a crier, lol) and my boys thought something was wrong.

I said, “No, these are tears of joy,” and expressed that I was so thankful and grateful that generous, random strangers did this incredible act of random kindness.

It touched me to the core.

I don’t know if the couple who paid for our bill will see this or not, but I truly hope they do.

I hope they know how impactful that was to myself and my boys.

I am truly appreciative for your kindness.

I heard through the grapevine that my boys have been telling others about this as well.

It is a gift that is a representation on the kindness of the human spirit. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Lorraine Thompson, Langley.

ANOTHER LETTER: Leave Fort Langley Cemetery out of Grave Tales tour


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