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New trail opened at Langley’s Campbell Valley Regional Park

A three-kilometre trail extension is part of the Perimeter Trail
The new three-kilometre stretch of the Perimeter Trail winds through the southern end of Campbell Valley Regional Park. (Metro Vancouver Parks)

Campbell Valley Regional Park has finished and opened its newest trail for pedestrians and cyclists in South Langley.

The new extension to the park’s Perimeter trail is three kilometres long, and runs mostly along the southern edge of the park.

The trail extension begins at the Rowlatt Farmstead and Lochiel Schoolhouse, which is just off 204th Street a short distance south of 8th Avenue.

The path runs south from there, paralleling the existing Shaggy Mane Trail for equestrians. It goes past the dog off-leash area at the corner of 204th Street and 4th Avenue, and then continues east to the area of approximately 212th Street.

The trail also includes a loop that leads north through the meadows of the southern part of the park, up to the Ravine Trail that leads back to the Rowlatt Farmstead.

The extension means the total Perimeter Trail is now 7 km long.

Some intersections on the trail are shared with horses, and Metro Vancouver Parks reminds users to slow and and yield to horses.

Metro Vancouver eventually plans to continue extending the Perimeter Trail along the eastern edge of the park, eventually completing a full loop around the park.

The park is one of the largest in Langley, with 1,352 acres of land in total.

READ ALSO: More land added to Langley’s largest park

Matthew Claxton

About the Author: Matthew Claxton

Raised in Langley, as a journalist today I focus on local politics, crime and homelessness.
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