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Election 2014: Kim Richter seeking sixth term on Langley Township council

Township of Langley: Richter, Kim - council candidate: 'Fiercely independent' councillor promises to ask tough questions.
Kim Richter has served five terms as a Langley Township councillor, and is seeking a sixth term in office.

Kim Richter is seeking her sixth term on Langley Township council.

Richter, who labels herself “fiercely independent,” strongly believes that elected representatives must really listen and respond to residents for a better tomorrow in Langley.

Richter, also a professor of business management at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, has uniquely kept the mayor and council’s feet to the fire by always asking the tough questions and forwarding innovative solutions. She is proud of her many accomplishments in this community, especially those for seniors and youth.

Richter’s priorities have always been sustainable growth, public safety and fiscal responsibility. If re-elected, she intends to continue to focus on these overall umbrella issues.

Her other specific goals are to: lobby the provincial government for better infrastructure to support Langley’s rapidly growing population. This includes more primary health care, transit and education services; help heal the divided Langley communities which have resulted from lack of genuine listening on council’s part in the past term; fix the Willoughby experiment through slower, steadier and community sustainable growth, including improved parking and roads and ensure the current Willoughby experiment is not repeated in Brookswood.

She would like to implement EMS training for Langley’s firefighters/first responders to help improve health care in Langley; to build a a new Aldergrove Community Pool and Recreation Centre, rather than just talk about it; protect Langley farmland and the Salmon River Uplands from unnecessary development; and limit tax increases to no more than the cost of living. She would prefer to actually decrease taxes.

“Each member of council should realize that if a politician really loves their community, they need to stop and ask themselves what they are doing to it and if they are actually making it better,” she says.

Her website is On Facebook, she is at

On Twitter, connect to her at