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Have your say on the Township’s financial plan

Township of Langley hosting two open houses on the draft 2018-2022 Five-Year Financial Plan
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Is there roadwork you’d like to have completed in your neighbourhood, or perhaps a rash of crime that needs to be addressed? Now is the time to make those issues heard.

The Township of Langley is accepting public feedback on the 2018-2022 Five Year Financial Plan, with a focus on the 2018 Operating and Capital Budget, until Jan. 23.

The plan will dictate how tax dollars are spent on items such as water, sanitary sewer, and solid waste services, infrastructure, parks and RCMP personnel.

As part of this process, the Township is holding two open houses where residents can learn more about the budget and provide comments.

The events take place in the fourth floor foyer at the Township Civic Facility, 20338 65 Ave., on Monday, Jan. 15 from 1 to 8 p.m., and on Tuesday, Jan. 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Feedback can also be given online at through the budget questionnaire and by using the interactive budget simulator tool.

Questionnaire’s can be submitted to the attention of the Finance Division, Township of Langley by mail (20338 65 Ave. Langley B.C. V2Y 3J1), by fax (604-533-6130) or email (

For more details, visit

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