Rudy Storteboom
Retired realtor, age 67
Nicomekl area resident who’s lived in Langley 39 years
Born in Abbotsford, Rudy Storteboom is the eldest child of Dutch immigrant parents who came to Canada after the Second World War.
He’s lived, worked, and volunteered in Langley City for almost 40 years.
Rudy has found his purpose in life by serving others.
He believes that it is his responsibility to support our democratic society and give back to the community where he lives.
Beside serving on Langley City council, Rudy is currently on 10 City committees and is a director with Metro Vancouver’s Housing Corporation. Also, Rudy volunteers as a director for Langley Lodge, Langley Volunteer Bureau, the Arboretum and Botanical Society of Langley, and the Rotary Club of Langley – where he adopted Rotary’s guiding principle of “Service Above Self.”
Twitter: @RudyStorteboom
Phone: 604-562-7839 (RUDY)
Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: Yes, I’ve served as Councillor in Langley City from 2008 to 2011 and again from 2014 to 2022. I’m asking for a fourth term on Langley City Council.
(These answers are presented as the candidates submitted them)
1. Should Langley City have its own, separate RCMP detachment?
Yes. There would have to be a feasibility study that supports a good business case for having a separate RCMP detachment in Langley City. However, with the introduction of SkyTrain a local precinct or sub-detachment should be located by the SkyTrain station to partner with Transit Police in deterring any negative activity there. Langley City’s Fire Rescue service models the benefits of having a dedicated public safety service for our community. Note: I’d like us to have a dedicated paramedic service attached to our Fire Rescue Service too!
2. Should the City create a performing arts venue within the next council term?
Yes. Having a performing arts centre is past due for our community. However, it must be feasible and not an ongoing burden on taxpayers. As such, the size, location and operation of a performing arts centre should be no more than 500 seats, close to the SkyTrain station and it should probably serve as a cultural centre/artistic hub in partnership with the business community. Note: I want a Langley City High School and an indoor pool too, but the numbers have to work and the community has to agree to the business model to get my vote.
3. Does the City need more overpasses to reduce train-caused traffic delays?
Yes. The industrial train that runs through Langley City is expected to increase in length and frequency. In time, I expect three more overpasses will be proposed for: Glover, 200th Street and Fraser Highway. Note: These overpasses will have to be funded through the federal and provincial governments plus, redirecting traffic during construction will be a logistical challenge.
4. Should the City set targets for the creation of more low-income and seniors rental spaces, social housing units, and/or co-op development to improve home security?
Yes. Here it should be noted that Langley City already has the most social, subsidized and supported housing per person in Metro Vancouver already and we have a good supply of rental housing too! However, more affordable housing is required.
Currently, the Langley Lions Housing Society is approved to redevelop to almost double their current supply of homes for 981 residences over the next ten years. In my opinion, additional targets should be set for more affordable housing and especially more seniors housing, in partnership with BC Housing and CMHC. As stated in the Langley City Affordable Housing Strategy. “Although municipalities in Canada lack the mandate or the capacity to directly provide housing, the City of Langley does have a role in identifying, advocating for and supporting solutions to housing challenges.” Please click on the following link to view the full report:
5. Are City taxes too high?
Yes. Although property taxes are lower than neighbouring municipalities and are in keeping with respected guidelines. I believe that new streams of revenue can be generated to offset property taxes in the same way the City has leveraged income from the Casino. Langley City has a Development Corporation that can be activated to build income producing properties around our new SkyTrain station, maybe with a contracted property management corporation that can be expanded to include private properties.
6. Is the City’s population growing too fast?
No (N) Langley City is growing at a steady and manageable pace. Because Langley City is fully developed already, our growth requires redevelopment for greater density. However, we are being significantly impacted by the exceptional growth of our neighbouring municipalities. I’m proud of how Langley City has become a business hub for the region however, there is significant pressure on our local transportation infrastructure. As such, Langley City is in the process of completing a new Transportation Plan 2045. Please click on the following link to view a draft project report with vision, goals and objectives that have been developed with public input:
7. Should the City institute pay parking in some downtown areas?
Don’t Know. Pay parking may be inevitable when SkyTrain comes, especially if TransLink introduces a Park and Ride pay parking lot. There are currently no hourly pay parking spaces in Langley City though some spaces are leased, from the City, with a month-to-month agreement.
8. Will the arrival of SkyTrain change Langley City for the better?
Yes! SkyTrain will provide quick, easy, and affordable access to more and better jobs, education, amenities, and cultural options for Langley City residents.
Plus, our business community will benefit from the greater connectedness for additional commerce, events, and day tourism.
More people coming to Langley City on SkyTrain will deliver new opportunities, and new challenges, too.
Effective planning is vital for our community’s successful transition into this new era of transportation.
The Langley City SkyTrain will be located right in the middle of our downtown.
It will have a significant impact on our community.
That’s why we need to get it right.
I propose establishing a designated police precinct around the station to work with Transit Police in discouraging any negative activity there.
9. Can municipal staff and council do more to attract new green and high-tech businesses to open in Langley City?
Yes. Langley City is well-positioned, as a hub for the Lower Fraser Valley, to attract new green and high-tech business especially in our light industrial areas. In Langley City we have relatively affordable housing with good schools, clean parks, beautiful green spaces, popular amenities and affordable taxes with a wide variety of shopping and restaurants for a great quality of life. Certainly, our new SkyTrain service will be attractive for individuals and companies that have environmentally sensitive and technological agendas. Langley City Council and staff need to continue promoting our city to attract new, clean, green, high tech and “cutting edge” businesses.
10. Does the City have a handle on the problems created by homelessness?
No. Langley City has more than it’s share of homelessness. When policing, fire/emergency and Bylaw all report most of their efforts are in dealing with homeless camps and individuals caught up in problems associated with homelessness there is a risk of burnout among our workers and less resources available for other issues. We need to do more in giving our first responders the support they need by increasing resources and reducing the number of people who are “living rough”. As homelessness continues to be a growing problem, Langley City Council needs to continue advocating with other levels of government for a regional plan to respond to homelessness. Moving homeless people on to another municipality doesn’t help the situation. A Housing First policy is needed to offer unconditional, permanent housing as quickly as possible to homeless people. Then, support and rehabilitation services can be introduced to help restore individuals to a better quality of life.
Please click on the following link to view the Langley City 2016 Homelessness Strategic Plan:
How the questions were presented to each candidate
Langley Advance Times readers have repeatedly told us how much they value this important, straight-forward reference guide that helps orient them with the range of choices on the ballots – both at the council and school board levels.
Towards that end, we have attempted to make this package available (along with the following instructions) to each of the candidates in a timely fashion ahead of the Oct. 15 election.
Please read carefully before you start to fill this out.
To help voters in Langley make their choices on election day, the Langley Advance Times is asking local candidates 10 issue-based questions.
You must provide a ‘yes,’ a ‘no,’ or a ‘don’t know’ (Y, N, D) response to EACH of these questions.
Each question MUST be answered with yes (Y), no (N), or Don’t Know (D). This will be published in a grid in the Oct. 6 edition. Any questions not answered will be LEFT BLANK.
Candidates may also expand on ANY OR ALL of these questions (to a maximum of 200 words each). Please note any responses longer than that will be cut off at the 201-word mark.
Due to space limitations, we can only guarantee to run one of these answers in the Langley Advance Times print edition ahead of the election. You must CLEARLY indicate which expanded answer you want to see published in print. If you do not specify, we will choose. Any and all expanded answers provided will be published online at
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