Traffic lights are going up at three locations along the busy 16 Avenue corridor that runs through Langley.
The first phase of the 16 Avenue Corridor Improvements Project will see lights going up at the 208 Street, 232 Street and 240 Street intersections, a report from the Township of Langley Engineering Division said.
“The work will include the installation of full traffic signals, with advance warning flashers on the 16 Avenue approaches and some minor road work,” the Sept. 17 memo to council said.
The unsigned report said the work is underway and will take about two months to complete, with traffic maintained, but limited to one lane in each direction during construction.
Planning is also underway on the second phase of improvements, pull-out bays so police can safely pull vehicles over for enforcement.
READ MORE: Change in works for deadly 16 Avenue
READ MORE: Council moves ahead on 16 Avenue safety measures
From 2009 to 2013, the highest number of collisions on 16 Avenue occurred at the 208 Street and 240 Street intersections, with 39 collisions and 38 collisions, respectively.
A study of 16 Avenue by Surrey, Langley Township and Abbotsford, along with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, ICBC and TransLink notes that the 16 Avenue corridor “has a history of safety and traffic operation issues.”
It also noted the route was running 13 to 16 per cent truck traffic, compared to the “average arterial” which carries five to 10 per cent trucks.
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