Notice is hereby given that the Township of Langley Council will meet at the Monday, March 25, 2024 Regular Council meeting and consider the following proposed bylaws for first, second and third reading.
Bylaw No. 5989
Project No. 08-14-0101
Application No. RZ100739
Owner: 1368802 BC Ltd
209, 6678 - 152 Street
Surrey, BC V3S 7J2
Agent: Paramorph Architecture Inc
308, 9639 - 137A Street
Surrey, BC V3T 0M1
Location: 20792 - 68 Avenue (see Map 1)
Legal: Lot 4, Except Part in Plan LMP51054 District Lot 311 Group 2 NWD Plan 68504
Purpose: Bylaw No. 5989 proposes to rezone property from Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-201 for development of approximately 18 townhouses.

Bylaw No. 6001
Project No. 08-22-0075
Application No. RZ100759
Owner: Palwinder and Sukhwinder Bahugun
7178 Knight Street
Vancouver, BC V5P 2W8
Harjinder and Sukhpal Dhillon
7860 – 197 Street
Langley, BC V2Y 1T5
Agent: Flat Architecture Inc
209, 6321 King George Boulevard
Surrey, BC V3X 1G1
Location: 7860 - 197 Street (see Map 2)
Legal: Lot 4 Section 22 Township 8 NWD Plan 70469
Purpose: Bylaw No. 6001 proposes to rezone property from Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-190 for development of approximately 46 townhouses.

And take further notice that a copy of Township of Langley Bylaw Nos. 5989 and 6001 and relevant background material may be inspected between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from March 14 to 25, both inclusive, at the Community Development Division Development Services counter, 2nd floor, Township of Langley Civic Facility, 20338 - 65 Avenue, or online at
Comments may be submitted to by noon on Monday, March 25, 2024 and will be distributed to Council prior to the meeting.