Proposed Zoning Changes
Notice is hereby given that the Township of Langley Council will meet at the Monday, October 23, 2023 Regular Council meetingm and consider the following proposed bylaws for first, second, third and final reading.
Bylaw No. 5944
Project No. 14-06-0136
Application No. RZ100734
Owner: 1241845 BC Ltd
204, 26730 - 56 Avenue
Langley, BC V4W 3X5
Agent: Flowerchild Research Inc
204, 26730 - 56 Avenue
Langley, BC V4W 3X5
Location: 204, 26730 - 56 Avenue (see Map 3)
Legal: Strata Lot 11 Section 6 Township 14 NWD Plan LMS2561
Purpose: Bylaw No. 5944 proposes to amend General Industrial Zone M-2A by adding “cannabis processing and cannabis testing” as a site-specific permitted use for the subject strata unit.