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Challengers' votes were scattered in recent Langley Township election

If there had been eight challengers and they'd received all the votes scattered among 14 candidates, only two incumbents would have won.

Editor: Langley  Township residents spoke loudly in the recent election. There were 146,563 votes cast for councillor candidates — 72,786 for incumbents and 73,777 for non-incumbents.

If there would have been only eight contestants challenging the incumbents instead of 14, and the same number of votes were cast for the challengers, then all but David Davis and Kim Richter would have been ousted.

It is ironic that the previous council caused so much havoc, which led to so many to run for council. This ended up splitting the non-incumbent vote, and only three challengers made it onto council.

Yes, residents spoke loudly — but unfortunately they were not heard.

J. Beauman,
