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Christmas is a good time to think about others

It’s nice to get gifts, money and all the material things. But we are forgetting Christmas isn’t about the presents or the tree or the snow.

Editor: It seems that Christmas is now fast approaching, and we are all stressed about what gifts to buy. Yet we are forgetting the true meaning of Christmas.

Sure, it’s nice to get gifts and money and all the material things. But we are forgetting that Christmas isn’t about the presents or the tree or the snow.

It is about spending time  together, with friends and family, and giving to those who are less fortunate.

As a society, we are becoming more selfish.

This Christmas, think about those less fortunate and give. Give love and your time to friends, family, and those who don’t have anyone.

You may volunteer at your local food kitchen or shelter.

If you don’t have time for that, give some food or clothes to your local collection bank.

Remember, materialistic things don’t last forever. Love and kindness do.

Steven Lofgren,
