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Councillors deserve censure

All members of Langley Township council should pass a motion to either censure or admonish both Councillor Charlie Fox and Councillor Jordan Bateman for their egregious behaviour at Monday's council meeting. Council should be a reflection of its citizens.This surely does not remotely meet that standard and brings about embarrassment and shame to our community.

Editor: I am writing to convey how offended I am by the recent inappropriate actions of Councillors Charlie Fox and Jordan Bateman. I would encourage all fellow citizens of the Township of Langley to join me in strongly condemning their recent attempts at political grandstanding, at the mayor’s expense.

Even within the political arena of differing points of view, things should always stay professional and never get personal. Given that it was known to all members of council that the mayor was absent from Monday's council meeting to deal with an urgent personal family emergency, this makes their motives and action even more egregious.

I call upon all members of council to pass a motion to either censure or admonish both Councillor Fox and Councillor Bateman for their behaviour. Since council should be a reflection of its citizens, this surely does not remotely meet that standard and brings about embarrassment and shame to our community.

We have all heard time and time again from Councillor Fox, boasting about his many years as a role model to children as an educator. Councillor Bateman does nonstop profiling of himself as a role model as a Christian minister. These recent tactics and actions, I would suggest, show that both have surely lost any credibility as any sort of role models in our community. Their style of politics are not needed nor welcomed in the Township of Langley, nor is their lack of any sense of human decency.

This is a call to action to all Township of Langley citizens. Please contact the members of council directly by phone or e-mail to share your disgust.

Hank Der,
