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Harper's country

Editor: Tony Smith and Wally Martin (The Times, March 4) are right on the mark about Conservative attack ads. The saddest aspect of modern Canadian politics is the transparent nature of Stephen Harper’s strategy. He is clearly banking on the fact that a small percentage of the country is made up of either sociopaths who enjoy his sadistic agenda, or ignorant people who don’t know better. Negative attack ads drive down voter turnout, and therefore the small hateful minority can win an election.

Now federal communications will replace “Government of Canada” with “Harper government”. Welcome to Harper’s country. Evidence, reason, science and compassion don’t matter. Every opponent is an enemy.  Anybody who values evidence and science is an effeminate “lefty.” Beer and tobacco are good, medical marijuana bad. Jails are jobs programs. We need austerity and shiny new fighter jets. It’s his country, we’re just living in it.

Travis Erbacher,
