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Hold door open

Immigration officials need to help people like Jose Figueroa.

Editor: The other day I read a news item that absolutely astounded, astonished, and appalled me. A foreign-born member of the Hell’s Angels has been given a hearty Welcome Aboard, an “Open Sesame” to Canada by the immigration services.

Yes sir, belong to a well-known criminal organization and those government types just can’t open that Canadian door fast enough. And we are still having to fight for the right of a man of ethics and principles, a man who placed his life at risk for others, to stay in Canada.

Jose Figueroa, you are most assuredly Canadian material. However, I expect that the highly-paid members of the Harper government will continue to wallow in their taxpayer feathered nests, and do nothing. Or hold the door open for more Hell’s Angels?

Margo Donovan,
