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It's easy to give away money that isn't yours

If Councillor Steve Ferguson doesn't need the travel allowance, why did he vote for it?

Editor: In response to Councillor Steve Ferguson's plans for his travel allowance (The Times, Dec. 11).

It is very easy to give away money that is not yours to begin with. Obviously, Councillor Ferguson doesn't need this money.

I then have a question for him. Why did he vote to give himself a raise to begin with? I applaud Councillors Kim Richter and David Davis for not doing so.

I cannot understand how this bunch can justify another raise (call it whatever you want). Most of us do not have this luxury, and come tax time, we probably are going to have to dig deeper.

I hope people won't forget when election time comes. We have to make some changes in that arrogant bunch .

G. Vaissade,
