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LETTER: Doggy doo is a doggy don’t for Langley resident

People should not let their dogs do their business on other people’s lawns, writer argues
Langley Township and City provide garbage receptacles where people can deposit their bags of dog poop. (Langley Advance Times files)

Dear Editor,

As a taxpayer in the Township I am really disgusted having to pay for dog parks that aren’t hardly used.

I watch hundreds of dog owners walk their dogs passed my home and into the power line walkways.

Their dogs pee and poop all over people’s yards gardens and big rocks that a lot of people choose to use as resting seats.

My husband once told a women to not let her dog poop in our yard. She replied she would clean it up.

Take your dogs home to pee and poop in your own yards and clean it up there, not everywhere else. You chose to have a dog. We, in the community, don’t need your dog in our yards, and don’t need to stop in your dogs leavings in our gardens or on our grass.

Denise Peter, Walnut Grove


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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