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Letter: Injured senior pleased to learn that Good Samaritans still exist

Editor: I had the misfortune to trip over a curb in the dark at the Langley hospital a few weeks ago.

I fell face down, broke my arm and did a real number on my chin.

I have since avoided driving because of the awkwardness of having my arm in a cast. This afternoon I walked over to Superstore to pick up a few items.

As I was struggling to return my cart, a lady stopped her car and asked if she could help. I told her that I was walking and when she found out where I needed to walk to, she kindly offered to drive me home.

I accepted with great thankfulness, and clambered into her car.

Because there is no parking in front of my apartment building she drove me around to the back and even got out of the car and came around to make sure I was all right.

What a lovely lady.

Thank you again, Jenna. Walking with one bag of groceries hung over my broken arm and trying to manage a bag and my cane with the other would probably have had me in tears before I had gone too far. I am 81 years old.

There are still Good Samaritans in this world.

Rosemary Allen,
