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LETTER: Langley resident doubts densification will solve housing crisis

Owners with four- and six-plexes will simply get more rent from more units on same amount of land
Share your opinion via email, through our website or in a posted letter. (Black Press Media files)

Dear Editor,

Now the people in Victoria who think they’re running the government are telling the people of B.C. they can’t have a single-family dwelling.

They have to have a six-plex. It’s gonna fix all the housing pricing in Vancouver.

Any fool can see that investors will buy a single-family lot and build a six-plex, and they’ll charge rent on six units so nobody will win. The price of the rental will still be high, because they paid so much for the over inflated a lot.

Nobody will ever live in a single-family house and raise their children in a regular house in a regular community, only over-crowded towns, cities and schools.

Remember communism? Socialism? Everybody gets a box to live in. Sometimes you get heat, sometimes you don’t. Maybe that’s the direction NDP socialist is going.

Stan Steer, Murrayville


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