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LETTER: Unique goose is on the loose but still in Langley

Previous letter writer enjoyed seeing goose near Brydon Lagoon. It’s now hanging around Portage Park
Tanya Henton encountered this domesicated swan goose in the Portage Park area. (Special to the Langley Advance Times)

Dear Editor,

Re: [LETTER: Anyone know what happened to the unique goose in Langley City lagoon?,, Nov. 27]

I was in the Portage Park/Nicomekl floodplain trails [Dec. 23], and came across this beautifully bizarre looking bird. I Googled what it could be, and came across your article.

Further Googling leads me to believe that she is a domestic swan goose, which are not local to this area. Apparently she has taken up residence at the duck pond near 201st Street, and has a Canada goose friend and mallard friend with her also.

I thought your initial inquirer may want to know that she is doing just fine. She definitely wasn’t all about social distancing either, as when I went to go past her, she is either super friendly, or didn’t seem to want to let me through, LOL. I have attached a few pictures for you.

Tanya Henton, Langley


• READ MORE: Did you know Langley is home to a wildlife rehab shelter?


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The goose seems to have made friends with a Canada goose and a mallard duck. (Tanya Henton/Special to the Langley Advance Times)
The goose seems to have made friends with a Canada goose and a mallard duck. (Tanya Henton/Special to the Langley Advance Times)
The goose seems to have made friends with a Canada goose and a mallard duck. (Tanya Henton/Special to the Langley Advance Times)

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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