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Letters: All-candidates meeting timing suspicious


Dear Editor,

We are at the doorstep to another municipal election, and the game-playing has been exceptional. 

The candidates running for office in the Township have attended two well planned and well advertised all-candidate events. They were advertised well in advance of the date, and as a result, they were attended by all the candidates and the discussion was lively.

Meanwhile the business of the Township needs to and has been carrying on. This results in busy schedules for the mayor and council members, including events and activities that the Township has sponsored and given grants to. One is the upcoming visit of Joe Salatin, the rock star of small plot gardening. 

The Friday night event is by invitation, and of particular interest to members of council, yet lo and behold, a group calls for an all-candidates meeting to conflict with the event.

This level of disrespect and underhandedness permeates much of what the group represents and does. They have engaged in this game playing tactic, I am sure, with much intent just to give their select few chosen candidates an opportunity to speak their part, uninhibited and with more sensationalism than was displayed in the two previous all-candidate meetings.

The poorly chosen timing for this biased “all-candidates” meeting is very suspect. Little credibility can be given to this group and the candidates they endorse. 

Do your homework before you jump on the bandwagon of the one-issue candidates they will endorse.

Diana Van Tiel, Langley