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Letters: Misspending raises tax hike fears in Langley City

Dear Editor,

Our City mayor and council are seeking another four-year term,. Good luck with that.

Let’s see what we have to look forward to.

In the past three years they have transformed McBurney Lane into a white elephant at a cost of $1,000,000-plus. It was a beautiful place to have a coffee and sandwich before this destruction.

Now it is a disgrace. You can visit it as it was on the City web site.

They tore down the Timms Centre because it needed repairs, and they are building a $14,000,000 replacement. I would guess that they could have done any needed repairs for the cost of tearing it down.

Let’s see, $15,000,000 that the City has and is spending on what we really do not need, plus the cost of tearing down Timms – probably in the $200,000 range.

Then they find they do not have enough money to service the infrastructure. They need $500,000 for that.

Where do they go for that? Well, the taxpayers, of course, with a property tax increase.

You can bet there will be more increase in the taxes. These people just spend and spend. They do not know how to look after the treasury, and they want us to give them the key to it for another four years. Good luck with that.

Will Ramage, Langley