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Pension changes weren't mentioned during federal election

For many people now in their 30s, 40s and 50s, the OAS benefits will be funds they critically need.

Editor: Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent announcement of proposed changes to the age an individual can receive Old Age Security (OAS), going from 65 to 67, is unacceptable.

For those of you not familiar with the OAS benefit, the proposed cuts will reduce your monthly income by $500 (on average) per month, or a reduction of $24,000 in pension benefits for a couple.

For individuals in their 30s, 40s or 50s who are unable to save for retirement, due to current financial pressures of day-to-day living, the OAS benefits will be funds they critically need.

During the last election campaign, did anyone hear the Conservative candidates mention cuts to pensions?

I did not remember discussions about cuts to pensions.

Perhaps pension cuts are part of the Harper government’s secret agenda?

What’s next — cuts to CPP?

It would appear cuts to social programs and a lower standard of living for Canadians will be Harper’s legacy.

Brad McLean,
