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Township pay raises shameful

Who gives themselves a 12.6 per cent and hefty 19 per cent pay raise at the onset of their job?

Editor: Re: Pay raises for Township mayor and council. Have these people no shame?  Who gives themselves a 12.6 per cent and hefty 19 per cent pay raise at the onset of their job? Politicians in Langley, that’s who. This is outrageous.

I’m in the wrong line of work. I’m just feeding the “trough” with my exorbitant tax increases.  These tax increases surely are not going towards repairing the potholes in Langley streets. The mayor and council see Langleyites as bottomless wallets at their disposal.

I wish the ballot sheet had a box that said “vote for none of the above,” because that would be the only box I would have checked at election time. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in these sentiments.

Sandra Steffan,
