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Aging technology may get revamp in Langley Township council chambers

Council considers up to $1.3 million in renovations
The layout of Langley Township’s council chambers could change with a renovation in 2025, with more accessible seating and technology upgrades. (Township of Langley/Special to the Langley Advance Times)

The location where Langley Township’s council meets and debates may get some upgrades over the course of the next year, largely due to changing technology.

The current council chamber was built in 2005, when the Township bought the building that currently serves as its main headquarters.

Jim Makela, senior manager of information technology, noted that at the time, the chamber was built to support local TV cable broadcasting, something that hasn’t been used in a decade.

There have been a number of upgrades and changes over the years, including new projectors, and in 2021 upgrades to the audio systems to allow for hybrid meetings, with some councillors voting and debating remotely.

But despite intermittent upgrades, Makela said the “backbone” of the system is now 18 years old, and the technology behind it isn’t supported by the manufacturer any more. There have been intermittent issues with everything from the microphones to off-site access to touchscreens.

“We recommend a major overhaul of the entire system,” said Makela.

The overhaul has a number of components, including adding more staff seating, upgraded lighting, more accessible seating and an adjustable speaker’s podium for people addressing council, and a changed council table in a tighter curve, allowing the councillors to see one another when speaking.

If all the components were to be put into place, the project would cost about $1.3 million. Some items could be left off the project or delayed to reduce the cost.

Council voted to move forward with considering the project, but it won’t happen this year. Mayor Eric Woodward said the ideal time for any upgrades would be the summer of 2025, when council is not in session.

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Matthew Claxton

About the Author: Matthew Claxton

Raised in Langley, as a journalist today I focus on local politics, crime and homelessness.
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